Thursday, June 6, 2013

50 Pounds Down

I thought I would make it official here. I lost over 50 lbs in less than 5 months.  I started on Monday, Jan 7th at 289.6 lbs.  Yesterday morning I weighed in at 238 lbs.  In 21 weeks I have lost an average of 2.45 lbs per week.  I think it's safe to say that I know what I'm doing, and I am working with people who know what they are doing.

This is not my first weight loss rodeo, It's just my most successful one, not to mention my last one. I've always been very educated on how to eat and exercise to lose weight and get fit.  I've been into the idea of clean eating and being fit for about 6 years now since I first tried Body for Life.  I feed my kids very healthy meals, and make sure they get exercise, but it just wasn't clicking for  me.  The motivation just wasn't there. I was more and more depressed as life went on.  My joy was in my kids. I was becoming that mother who gave up on myself, and just focused on living my life through my kids.  I knew how to fix it, I just didn't have the gas to get the engine going.

That all started to change when I saw these pictures from Halloween 2012. I couldn't believe that was me. I had gotten so big in such a short amount of time, I knew I couldn't go on but I still didn't have the motivation.
Even after seeing gigantic photos of myself at Christmas, the few that I let people take, I knew something had to change.  But it took until Jan 7th for it to click. I woke up that morning and just knew I wasn't going to live this way anymore.  I went into a Weight Watchers, knowing that their program is a solid way to do things and there was no looking back.

I spent only about a month doing weight watchers when I realized I wanted more.  I wanted to really focus not just on losing weight and counting calories, but on fitness and making the right food choices.  Going to the gym and working out quickly became a priority, and I was having to skip a workout day to go to a WW meeting, with my 2 yr old in tow and getting nothing out of it.  I found My Fitness Pal and left WW.  I love tracking my calories and macros (protein/fat/fiber) on there, and it's easy.  I watch the macros and the fat melts off.

At the same time, about 8 weeks into this, I joined a gym, and found my trainer.  I knew what my goals were, and I knew I wanted something awesome and challenging, and I had researched the person to make that happen.  The cost of a Bariatric surgery would be about $25,000 out of pocket for me, and the cost of a Personal Trainer was significantly less.  So I decided that I was worth it, and I made the investment.  And it's one of the best investments I've made in my life.  I work with my trainer twice a week, I take Caveman classes 2-3 times a week, Kickboxing, Zumba and  now Running to fill in all the other spots  I'm stronger, more flexible, with more energy and ability than I've ever had in my life and it's awesome.

 I'm the one putting in all of the hard work.  I'm the one who sweats more than you'd think a girl should be able to.  I am the one making this happen.  That being said, without my trainer, I absolutely know that I would not be where I'm at right now.  If it were me alone doing the elliptical 3x a week and lifting 3x a week,  sure I would be losing weight, but I would never have the ability or knowledge to push myself like I do now.  I would not have the variety of activities that I do now. I would not have the confidence I have now. And I know the ability to continually shake my boundaries, and to never do the same workout twice are what is making my body shape the way it is, and the weight fall off as fast as it is.  The only memory my muscles ever gain is that when they my trainer walk into the room, they know they are going to be exhausted 60 minutes later.  

I don't know how to explain the mindset and continued motivation I have right now.  I keep almost expecting myself to lose it, have days where I don't want to go to the gym in a row, and just munch on some doritos.   I don't know if it's the fact that I've been doing this so consistently now, but nothing is shaking me. Nothing.  I don't even understand where all this willpower is coming from.  The only thing that really explains it is that I like it.  I like the food I'm eating, it makes me feel good, gives me energy, makes my skin clear and fills me up.  The exercise is fun. It's hard. It's humbling. It's made me cry, and get frustrated and angry.  Yet, I am always excited to go to the gym.  I literally cannot recall any time in history that I have EVER been excited to go to the gym, but now I can't even think of a time in the last 4 months that I have not been excited to go to the gym and work on myself.  It's weird, I can't think of a better way to explain it...just weird, and awesome.  

I did buy myself the necklace that I wanted for myself, and in perfect timing, it showed up in the mail yesterday.  I'm proud to have lost 50 lbs, and I'm proud to push myself cavegirl style, and I'm pushing on to my next goals and to continued health and increased fitness.  


  1. Love this, congratulations you really look dayum amazing!! Oliver and Kellan are lucky to have such a motivated and committed role model, Keep up the hard work Auntie Erica!

  2. I've read through most of your blog this week. You're inspiring! I started my journey about 2.5 months ago and am down 18 pounds. I do bootcamp, which sounds a lot like your caveman classes. Tires, kettlebells, hurdles, jumpropes, etc. Lots of cardio and weights. It's TOUGH. But so much better than trudging along on a treadmill, which is what I would normally do.

    I'll be following you! I am writing posts in Evernote, but my blog is not live yet. Can't wait to share more of my journey like you are doing. :)
