Well the scale didn't budge this week. It's not quite my friend this week. I tried to explain to him that I exercised my butt off, I even took an extra long class, I took my rest day, I ate clean besides my cheat meal, I tracked my calories, but he didn't care. In fact, the scale went the other way to the tune of 2.8 lbs. This is the first time since I started my journey 5.5 months ago that I have not lost weight, and it was a big gain. And you know what? I'm annoyed, but I don't really care. I'm not going to go pig out on a bag of candy or chips and say that what I'm doing is useless, and it's never going to work. Because it is working. I've still lost 52 lbs, doing the same exact things I did this past week. It was just time for a little gain, and this week is just a blip on the radar. And honestly, the past four previous weeks I had lost 2.75 lbs a week on average, so sometimes the scale needs to slow down a bit.

Lets just get this clear though...this week, the scale is not so much a friend.
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